Thursday 20 December 2012

Software Engineering Phases

2.4 Software Engineering Phases

There are four basic phases of software development that are shown in Figure 4. Vision: Here we determine  why are we doing this thing and what are our business objectives that we want to achieve.

Definition: Here we actually realize or automate the vision developed in first phase. Here we determine what are the activities and things involved.

Development: Here we determine, what should be the design of the system, how will it be implemented and how to test it.

Maintenance: This is very important phase of software development. Here we control the change in system, whether that change is in the form of enhancements or defect removal.

Software Engineering Phases - Click to Enlarge
Correction, adaptation, enhancement

For most large, long lifetime software systems, maintenance cost normally exceeds development cost by factors ranging from 2 to 3.

Boehm (1975) quotes a pathological case where the development cost of an avionics system was $30 per line of code but the maintenance cost was $4000 per instruction

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