Friday 21 December 2012

Component of Software Requirements

The following figure depicts the relationship between different documents produced during the requirement engineering phase.

Component of Software Requirements - Click to Enlarge

Business Requirements

Business requirements collected from multiple sources might conflict. For example, consider a kiosk product with embedded software that will be sold to retail stores and used by the store’s customers. The kiosk developer’s business objectives include the following:

  • leasing or selling the kiosk to the retailers 
  • selling consumables through the kiosk to the customer
  • attracting customer to the brand
  • modifying the nature of the historical developer-customer relationship
The retailer’s business interest could include:
  • making money from customer use of kiosk
  • attracting more customers to the store
  • saving money if the kiosk replaces manual operations
The developer might want to establish a high-tech and exciting new direction for customers, while the retailer wants a simple solution and the customer wants convenience and features. The tension among these three parties with their different goals, constraints, and cost factors can lead to conflicting business requirements, which must be resolved before the kiosk’s software requirements are detailed.

You can also use the business requirements to set implementation priorities for use cases and their associated functional requirements. For example, a business requirement to generate maximum revenue from the kiosk would imply the early implementation of features directly associated with selling more products or services to the customer, rather than glitzy features that appeal to only a subset of customers.

The Vision Statement

The vision statement should reflect a balanced view that will satisfy the need of diverse customers. It can be somewhat idealistic but should be grounded in the realities of existing or anticipated customer markets, enterprise architectures, organizational strategic directions, and resource limitations.

Chemical Tracking System

The chemical tracking system will allow scientists to request containers of chemicals to be supplied by chemical stockroom or by vendors. The location of every chemical container within the company, the quantity of the material remaining in it, and the complete history of each container’s location and usage will be known by the system at all times. The company will save 25% on chemical costs by fully exploiting chemicals already available within the company, by disposing of fewer partially used or expired containers, and by using a standard chemical purchasing process. The chemical tracking system will also generate all reports required to comply with federal and state government regulations that require the reporting of chemical usage, storage, and disposal.

Assumptions and Dependencies

All assumptions that were made when conceiving the project have to be recorded. For example, the management sponsor for the chemical tracking system assumed that it would replace the existing chemical stockroom inventory system and that it would interface to the appropriate purchasing department  applications.

Project scope defines the concept and range of the proposed solution, and limitations identify certain capabilities that the product will not include. Clarifying the scope and limitations helps to establish realistic stakeholder’s expectations. Sometimes customers request features that are too expansive or do not lie within the intended project scope. Propose requirements that are out of scope must be rejected, unless they are so beneficial that the scope should be enlarged to accommodate them (with accompanying changes in budget, schedule, and staff). Keep a record of these requirements and why they were rejected, as they have a way of reappearing.

Scope and Initial Release
The major features that will be included in the initial release of the project should be summarized. Describe the quality characteristics that will enable the product to provide the intended benefits to its various customer communities. Requirements need to be prioritized and a release schedule should be made.

The next topic will be Context Diagram.

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