Saturday 22 December 2012

Data Flow Model

Data Flow Model

  • Captures the flow of data in a system.
  • It helps in developing an understanding of system’s functionality.
  • What are the different sources of data, what different transformations take place on data and what are  final outputs generated by these transformations.
  • It describes data origination, transformations and consumption in a system.
  • Information is organized and disseminated at different levels of abstraction. Thus this technique  becomes a conduit for top down system analysis and requirements modeling.
The Notation
There are several notations of the data flow diagrams. In the following, four different shapes are explained.

  • What are different processes or work to be done in the system.
  • Transforms of data. 

External AgentExternal systems which are outside the boundary of this system. These are represented using the squares

External Agent
 Data Store
  • Where data is being stored for later retrieval.
  • Provides input to the process
  • Outputs of the processes may be going into these data stores.
Data Store
 Data Flow
  • Where the data is flowing.
  • Represents the movement of the data in a data flow diagram.
Data Flow

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