Friday 21 December 2012

Context Diagram in Software Engineering

The Context Diagram

The scope description establishes the boundary between the system we are developing and everything else in the universe. The context diagram graphically illustrates this boundary by showing the connections between the system being developed or the problem being addressed, and the outside world. The context diagram identifies the entities outside the system that interface to it in some way (called terminators or external entities), as well as the flow of data and material between each external entity and the system. The context diagram is used as the top level abstraction in a dataflow diagram developed according to principles of structured analysis. The context diagram can be included in the vision and scope document, in the SRS, or as part of a dataflow model of the system.

Following is a context diagram of the chemical tracking system.

Context Diagram - Click to Enlarge

Use Cases and Customer-Developer Relationship

It has been mentioned earlier on, excellent software products are the result of a well executed design based on excellent requirements and high quality requirements result from effective communication and coordination between developers and customers. That is, good customer-developer relationship and effective  communication between these two entities is a must for a successful software project. In order to build this relationship and capture the requirements properly, it is essential for the requirement engineer to learn about the business that is to be automated.

It is important to recognize that a software engineer is typically not hired to solve a computer science problem – most often than not, the problem lies in a different domain than computer science and the software engineer must understand it before it can be solved. In order to improve the communication level between the vendor and the client, the software engineer should learn the domain related terminology and use that terminology in documenting the requirements. Document should be structured and written in a way that the customer finds it easy to read and understand so that there are no ambiguities and false assumption.

One tool used to organize and structure the requirements is such a fashion is called use
case modeling.
It is modeling technique developed by Ivar Jacobson to describe what a new system should do or what an existing system already does. It is now part of a standard software modeling language known as the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It captures a discussion process between the system developer and the customer. It is widely used because it is comparatively easy to understand intuitively – even without knowing the notation. Because of its intuitive nature, it can be easily discussed with the customer who may not be familiar with UML, resulting in a requirement specification on which all agree.

In the next we will see Component of Use Case Model (UML).

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