Thursday 20 December 2012

Law of Diminishing Returns

1.6 Law of diminishing returns

In order to understand this concept lets take a look at an example. Most of you have noticed that if you dissolve sugar in a glass of water then the sweetness of water will increase gradually. But at a certain level of saturation no more sugar will dissolved into water. Therefore at that point of saturation the sweetness of water will not increase even if you add more sugar into it.

The law of diminishing act describes the same phenomenon. Similar is the case with software engineering. Whenever you perform any task like improving the efficiency of the system, try to improve its quality or user friendliness then all these things involve an element of cost. If the quality of your system is not acceptable then with the investment of little money it could be improved to a higher degree. But after reaching at a certain level of quality the return on investment on the system’s quality will become reduced. Meaning that the return on investment on quality of software will be less than the effort or money we invest. Therefore, in most of the cases, after reaching at a reasonable level of quality we do not try to improve the quality of software any further. This phenomenon is shown in the figure below.

Software BackgroundCaper Jones a renounced practitioner and researcher in the filed of Software Engineering, had made immense research in software team productivity, software quality, software cost factors and other fields relate to software engineering. He made a company named Software Productivity Research in which they analyzed many projects and published the results in the form of books. Let’s look at the summary of these results. He divided software related activities into about twenty-five different categories listed in the table below. They have analyzed around 10000 software projects to come up with such a categorization. But here to cut down the discussion we will only describe nine of  them that are listed below.

  • Project Management 
  • Requirement Engineering
  • Design
  • Coding
  • Testing
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Software Configuration Management
  • Software Integration and
  • Rest of the activities
One thing to note here is that you cannot say that anyone of these activities is dominant among others in terms of effort putted into it. Here the point that we want to emphasize is that, though coding is very important but it is not more than 13-14% of the whole effort of software development.

Fred Brook is a renowned software engineer; he wrote a great book related to software engineering named “A Mythical Man Month”. He combined all his articles in this book. Here we will discuss one of his articles named “No Silver Bullet” which he included in the book.
An excerpt from “No Silver Bullet” – Fred Brooks
Of all the monsters that fill the nightmares of our folklore, none terrify more than
werewolves, because they transform unexpectedly from the familiar into horrors.
For these we seek bullets of silver that can magically lay them to rest. The
familiar software project has something of this character (at least as seen by the
non-technical manager), usually innocent and straight forward, but capable of
becoming a monster of missed schedules, blown budgets, and flawed projects. So
we hear desperate cries for a silver bullet, something to make software costs drop
as rapidly as computer hardware costs do. Skepticism is not pessimism, however.
Although we see no startling breakthroughs, and indeed, such to be inconsistent
with the nature of the software, many encouraging innovations are under way. A
disciplined, consistent effort to develop, propagate and exploit them should
indeed yield an order of magnitude improvement. There is no royal road, but
there is a road. The first step towards the management of disease was
replacement of demon theories and humors theories by the germ theory. The very
first step, the beginning of hope, in itself dashed all hopes of magical solutions. It
told workers that progress would be made stepwise, at great effort, and that a
persistent, unremitting care would have to be paid to a discipline of cleanliness.
So it is with software engineering today.

So, according to Fred Brook, in the eye of an unsophisticated manager software is like a giant. Sometimes it reveals as an unscheduled delay and sometimes it shows up in the form of cost overrun. To kill this giant the managers look for magical solutions. But unfortunately magic is not a reality. We do not have any magic to defeat this giant. There is only one solution and that is to follow a disciplined approach to build software. We can defeat the giant named software by using disciplined and engineered approach towards software development. Therefore, Software Engineering is nothing but a disciplined and systematic approach to
software development.

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