Saturday 22 December 2012

Data Flow Versus Flow Charts

DFD versus Flow Charts

Flow charts are usually used to describe flow of control in a system. It describes control flow in an algorithm.  Flow charts are quite detailed. Whereas DFD does not captures control flow information, it just  shows the flow of the data in a system. Flow charts show the sequential activities of an algorithm. So,  decisions are made, loops or iterations are described. On the other hand, DFD does not show the sequential  activities. It just displays the business flow (without sequence among activities). As if you visit an  organization, business activities are being performed in parallel. Therefore, DFD does not contain control or  sequential activities just data transition is captured.

DFD DFD Flow Chart
-Processes on a data flow can operate in parallel.
-Looping and branching are typically not shown.
-Each process path may have a very different timing.
-Processes on flowcharts are sequential.
-Show the sequence of steps as an algorithm and hence looping and branching are part of flowcharts.

The Next will be the Example of Data Flow Model of Bank Account Management System.

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