Friday 18 January 2013

Detailed Data Flow diagrams

Once context of a system has been captured using context level diagram, the analyst would expand his activities and start digging out system’s internal details. Therefore, the same context level diagram is further expanded to include all major processes of the system that make up system functionality. So, instead of portraying system as a black box entity, the analyst would add processes that deal with the external agents and produces certain outputs. This is level one of a data flow model.

In level two of data flow model, instead of refining the previous levels further, we take one process from the level one diagram and expands it in a level two diagram. Hence, a level one diagram that depict the whole system, may be expanded to more then one level two diagrams each of which describes exactly one process in detail which were listed in level one diagram as simply an oval (process or transform).

This process may continue to any level of details as the analyst can conveniently captures. Where diagram at a specific level is a refinement of one of the processes listed in a previous level. By adding levels of abstraction to a data flow diagram, it becomes natural for a software engineer or a requirement analyst to readily express his knowledge about the system in an appropriate level of data flow model that corresponds only to a specific set of functionality.

It should be noted here that the number of external agents and their inputs to the system and the outputs that the system would return to them, should remain the same throughout different levels of a data flow model. It should be considered a mistake if context level diagram contains three external agents, which are providing two inputs each, and getting one output in return but at level one, we add one more external agent or input or the outputs. This would make level one model inconsistent with the context level diagram. This is true for any level of data flow model. For instance, at level two the number of external agents, inputs and outputs shown in (all of level two) diagrams should match exactly with the external agents, inputs and outputs shown in level one diagram. Therefore, disseminating information at an appropriate level of abstraction with the additional check of inter-level consistency makes data flow modeling a very powerful domain-modeling tool. After this discussion, we shall give the reader an example in which a system is modeled using data flow modeling technique where three levels of abstraction have been developed.

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